Ma példaképem, Maczkóházy Edu legendás írországi Nyílászáró sorozatát követve, tematikus válogatást nyújtok át kedves érdeklődő Olvasóinknak Kolozsvárról
What is behind that last door?! This is why I love Romania. It has maintained something that's been lost for some time (or never was?) in Budapest. In the meantime, Gino made friends with a Romanian boy (2.5 years old!) at the playground. They shared a common, primal language of grunts, coos, and lack of body coordination.
I can't believe it! i was unable to send a comment as a reply to yours to my own blog, it was denied. I also like these temporal and cultural shifts and now half of my comment disappeared again. What is it? I hope Benji will also soon meet his 2-year old lady Friend, namely, Ms. Füles. For instance if the lake is frozen we could have a small walk and have some fine things to eat and drink...
What is behind that last door?! This is why I love Romania. It has maintained something that's been lost for some time (or never was?) in Budapest. In the meantime, Gino made friends with a Romanian boy (2.5 years old!) at the playground. They shared a common, primal language of grunts, coos, and lack of body coordination.
VálaszTörlésI can't believe it! i was unable to send a comment as a reply to yours to my own blog, it was denied. I also like these temporal and cultural shifts
VálaszTörlésand now half of my comment disappeared again. What is it?
I hope Benji will also soon meet his 2-year old lady Friend, namely, Ms. Füles. For instance if the lake is frozen we could have a small walk and
have some fine things to eat and drink...