Ágika Dinivel
Lisa Zozival
Jakab Antos szemüvegével illusztrálja, hogyan fog kinézni Theo, ha végre szemüveget csináltat magának (amit ekkor jelentett be)
(*ez a kép egyébként fényképészi működésem egyik csúcsa)
és itt van a Nyerő Ötösből a szülőpár is
Obviously, Zozi and I are both concerned about what was happening over yonder. I notice a disturbing trend in photos of myself on this blog...
VálaszTörlésAnd, I love Jakab's photo so much I'm making him an appointment with the eye doctor.
In fact, I love that picture so much, I've made it our screen saver. Thank you!
VálaszTörlésnot any disturbing trend can be observed! You do smile in the last photo! But it's a pity I did not manage to take a good one of Benji and Miss Ladybaby Nóvé
VálaszTörlésI also like very much Jakab's photo. I must felröhögni whenever I look at it. Probably I will make it a screen saver on Csimpy's notebook as a sort of welcome message when he returns (from the land of perpetual folk music and chaos , i.e. the backyard of the Hung. Heritage over there.
It seems to me he is a sort of prisoner in W., for instance the only delight of his that was worth mentioning in the past 5 days is bird-watching during the programs. And his favourite American bird is ROBIn. I checked it and it is really very cute!
but negative remarks of the event come from the ... well, how to put it... interesting organisation of the event on behalf of the Hung. party.
VálaszTörlésI'm a great fan of the Land of Dreams and would like to go to and fro with a HUGE red car and to drink coffee and eat doughnuts in those roadside cafés I have seen so far only in movies
and the Frontier Heritage. My great-grandmother's family emigrated to the US at the turn of the century, one of her sisters was born there. But then they returned. Why? I don't know. I ask my grandma tomorrow.
Bird watching must be fantastic. I mean, I thought the job itself would be a bit boring for Csabi, but he always makes the best of things- if he can not participate, then he observes (feel free to groan at that one). The time will go by quickly. At least he's there for the fourth of july, which must be pretty exciting in the capital. I hope he sees a number of squirrels as well- those were Benji's personal favorite.
TörlésAnd I'm very interested in all of the details of your great-grandmother's dramatic move from and return to Hungary!